
04 March 2011

Jamaican Party Pictures


(The toilet lady - keeping us safe while going to the ladies room.)

(In the only night club that was open laaate at night. The strip club.)

(The door keeper at the Blue Cave Castle, lecturing us about safety before letting us out)

 (Our best friend Omar - totally gay and totally stoned. Nickname: "the Gangster")

 ("The Fire King")

 ("The Dancers")

(Happy - after retrieving our camera from The Dream Scape Villas)

(Waiter at Push Cart trying to convince us to come home with him)

(Ras Rody...)

(...and son)

(Rom and Pepsi)

(Maja is getting tired of the same old conversations in the night club)

(Maja has given up trying to have a normal conversation with the people and swapped them for this lion. He was a great listener!)

("Smiley" - the guy with the biggest and brightest smile you ever saw. But he refused to let us take a picture of it, dammit)

(Us with our best friend again. Very flattering photo.)

(Mi Yard - the place where we hung out late at night, after getting tired of the clubs. Great place for listening to the local guys airing their radio show, and to eat some fried-ish potato stuff. Mm-hm.)

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