
18 March 2012

Elefantastic - english

For those of you who wanted to read my last post "Elefantastic" but couldnt because well, swedish just isnt easy enough for you! ,) ♥

Im having a good time in India! Warm and nice, hallelujah!
Am hanging out with the elephants, and cuddling with the little dog Jimmie. Its always so nice to see the elephant riders together with their elephants, they really take care of eachother like family members. Massakali always looks at me with her sweet eyes and sways her trunk to scare off the pigeons whenever they come to close. Jimmie recognized me at once and always jumps up and wants to snuggle whenever i walk by. She usually sleeps until i wake up.

Rahul sleeps upstairs and i sleep next to Mama and everything is just fine. She does her things and we talk about Sweden and about my family and she cooks the most amazing indian food. Ruby helps, when shes not busy studying so hard i can almost see smoke coming out of her brain. Her exams are coming up and she discusses with me about which days to study what. Right now its maths 1. As soon as she has a break in her reading im going to teach her how to use a computer. And were going to create an email account for her so that we can start writing eachother, because its fun and because its a great way for her to practise her english.

I arrived in Delhi in the early morning of the 6th of March and on the 7th it was time for the elephant festival, so it was just to jump straight into the preparations! All the elephants was to be pretty and colorful, so we painted and painted. And then we made some elephant-chapattis, to make sure they were feeling full and satisfied. Oh, what exercise for the arms! The festival took place in central Jaipur and all of the elephants were there. Some of them were looking extra fancy - competetors of the decoration contest. "Our" elephant had a cool tiger-painting covering her face while the rest of her was almost coverd in decorations which we dressed her with in the shade of tree. How exciting! Another elephant that i found very beautiful was decorated with small glimmering mirrors all over her face, and another one had gotten a funny jeans-suit made for her, haha. But our beauty was ofcourse crowned the winner!

And so arrived the 8th of March - Holi! The festival of colours, which i also celebrated last year. Just as then we threw coloured powder and water on eachother in the little yard outside the house, and then ran out on the streets and threw some more colour. So pretty and so amazing! And oh my, how dry my skin was afterwards, im still putting lotion on my body like a crazy person. Luckily i brought a little Mango Body Butter;) 8th of March was also the international womens-day, which was hard to notice around here. But in the morning when Ruby was reading the news paper she said "Today is ladies-day! All women get to ride the bus for free today", though after thinking for a while she added "But today is festival, so there are no buses..."

Except hanging out with the elephants im also helping out a lot with Rahuls newly started business (the one which offers a chance to do volunteer work with the elephants and also go on tours and safari's). I have become a kind of secretary since my english is pretty good and since i write fast fast fast. We are creating pretty powerpoints with pictures and prices, and are sending emails to costumers and companies for colaborations. Its really alot of fun! And exciting to be part of promoting such a nice travel experience! In a couple of weeks there is a couple coming here for a safari, and then another two girls for a day a volunteering. The other day i went on a safari with a family from Finland, which was really nice. Anna bhai also came along, keeping an eye on me. Its so sweet - there is always someone around, making sure im fine. During the ride our rider picked a small leaf off of one of the trees that we passed by and gave it to me. I tried asking him what it was, but he didnt understand. So i used my usual question that i use when i want to know what something is: "Name?" He then smiled and said "Jungle!"

A photographer from Mumbai was here to make some pictures for the new Elefantastic homepage, so every other day we went out on a new adventure. Safari for photographs, and into the jungle to make pictures of the campsites for the tours. So much fun to be a part of this! The jungle was hot but cozy, alot like a desert now in the dry season. While the others were resting in the shade i went searching for peacock-feathers, theres alot of them here. Just outside of the house is a tree where they like to sleep, so in the evenings a couple of dozens of them get together in the tree and then scream all evening.

Now i have to get back to writing some more emails, and then its time for dinner and chai chai chai. Im thinking of you!

Check out the Elefantastic homepage!

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