
15 September 2011

2009.10.10 (2)

- Saturday 10 October 2009

Thought we should tell you guys some about our trip to Cuba, since we know some of you are waiting excitedly!

After alot of hows and ifs we finally got to Cuba, this was about 2 weeks ago but it sure wasnt easty to get online there!

Anyway. The visit to Cuba started with tears and big irritation when we got held in the Cuban Airport while they went through our luggage. We had only brought our small backpacks bringing change of clothes for a two day visit, which they found very suspicious and thought we had brought all kinds of forbidden things from Jamaica. To be standing in a tiny airport, in the middle of the luggage claim and all of the people, hearing a icky guy say "Youre so beautiful" while watching him go through your underwear is not a pleasant experience. And we had brought so little only to be able to get out of the airport quickly for once, but ended up being the last ones out. Havana was off to a great start.

"Did you smoke marijuana in Jamaica? - Well, yes. All day everyday? - No. Did you bring any cigarettes? - No. Not even a little one? Tiny?"...

We felt better once we found our Guesthouse. A pretty room and a really sweet host who sat us down the very second we walked through the door, took out a map and started telling us in what little english he knew all the things he thought we absolutely could not miss while in Havana.

During the 3 days we spent there we saw alot of beautiful old houses. But also alot of broken ones, old and run down. And alot of gorgeous old cars, taking turns with new ones and with little motorbike-taxi-thingies. And then we had alot of horrible food. You can tell they dont have alot of products to choose from. Maja had a pasta with tomato sauce, the same tomatosauce that Julia's pizza was swimming in. The food really is nothing to brag about, which is sad since we both love the food experience of a country. It ended with us pretty much living off of bread and chocolates. Yum..!

( Also one of my fav pictures from the trip. )

Havana doesnt seem to be the best place to go party- there was alot of salsashows going on, but not alot of space to dance yourself. We had some mojitos, smoked a cigarr, went to Casa de la Musica and listened to music. And went to an old salsa school where they showed old music videos at night and during the day we found, at the bottom floor, a gang of old cuban men yamming away. Thats the real Cuba! Aswell as all these cute old men coming together outside one restaurant where we were having dinner to sit on the sidewalk, smoke cigarrs and play chess.

( Yaamin' away. It was absolutely amazing. )

The last night, as we were walking through the city (which feel very safe, although people ofcourse dont leave us alone here either) we heard booming Michael Jackson songs coming from accross the street. Turned out it was a little yard with plastic chairs, a tiny bar and a couple of big tv-screens showing old Jackson conserts. Perfection.

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