
20 March 2013

Memory Lane 2012, part 2: Events

The year included a lot of different kinds of events, and here are some of them: 

I saw a lot (A LOT!) of movies, which is one of my favourite things to do. Dont even remember all of them now, there were some awesome ones, and some awful ones. Still, i always enjoy getting all cozy in the cinema, mmm!

There were also a lot of birthday celebrations. Here you have me and my cousin Ragna at her costume party (theme: nationalities). Ragna was dressed as the statue of liberty (awesome!) and i was, well, a lion. Also there is a picture of one of my bests friends, Christine, and the yummy cake we had for her jolly birthday!

Me, Chris and Anna went to another costume party (they are the best!). We were at the party for about an hour or two after spending Hours getting ready - which was the best part of the night. Oh, fun!

And very importantly: Crawfish-party! One of my favourite holidays in Sweden. Yuum!

Oh, and my birthday of course. I turned 23, iip! This was my general feeling about the event:

Luckily i had a bunch of friends celebrating me and keeping my mood on the plus-side. Went dancing with Anna (whos birthday is just two days from mine!) and my brother took me to a great dinner. Love!

Sweden won the Eurovision song contest with the song Euphoria by Loreen, which was followed by a great deal of celebrating and singing in the clubs. På gott och ont.

Except for the birthdays there was also other kinds of events. Went to two different karaokes - which i have pretty much never done before in my life. So thats a new, and well - it was quite fun!

Diana took me to a fashion show, which was fun. Man, look at those shoes!

The Swedish House Mafia concert: Was a birthday present for one of my friends and so i had pretty much No expectations. Which was a good thing, considering i think thats the main reason i actually did enjoy myself.

Oh, and speaking of concerts. Me and Anna went to see Marilyn Manson, which was totally awesome. Except we didnt even understand that he had started playing until about 5 songs into his gig. He was supposed to play at, oh lets say 8.30. We arrived 8.15-something and so was sure that the band playing was the warm up-band. After a while we were like, that guy looks pretty similar to Marilyn, how fun. And this song sounds pretty similar to Marilyns. Hm. So we asked the lady next to us "when's Marilyn going to start?" And she looked at us and was like "well umm... that IS Marilyn!" Ohhhhh, well that explains it. The lady didnt seem to think much of it though, probably thought we were there to watch the guy who was going to play after Marilyn. She might however have thought we were a bit strange when we walked up and left after Marilyns gig was over. Oh well, great night!

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