
20 February 2014

Blue Mountain Coffee

Jamaica day 12!
Another steaming hot day. Snorkelling, swimming and sun bathing - what more can you possibly ask for? Except for good food of course! Went back to Mi Yard for lunch, sadly they didn't have any bread fruit today (my favourite!) but we got a mix of some other weird stuff. Then we headed to the local market which we'd heard was a good place to find Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. Which we did, after a lot of hard work and haggling. At one place we found a couple of bags, but then they seemed to be out of coffee. One lady ran around the whole place looking. So we settled for the bags they had. 

The typical thing to happen was that a man or woman would walk up or yell from their spot something in the lines of "Just a second, just a second! Come look at my shop!" to which we'd say we were only looking for coffee or musical instruments. "Yah man, I've got instruments. Come look at my shop!" - of course he didn't have any instruments but only a lot of stuff that we didn't want. In one place we found another bag of coffee (even though that first lady loudly convinced us that she had looked E V E R Y WHERE!) We didn't hassle over the price since we'd heard that was the price that was to be expected, and that was a price which we were fine with. But as we are buying this one last bag one lady comes up with two more and asks us to pay 10 dollars more than we did and are doing for all the others. "Mine are real!!!" She screams to our faces. "Those are fake!" - We tell her they are exactly the same and she yells "LET ME SEE!" - when she sees that they are exactly the same as hers she again yells "FAKE! Let me SMELL!" - we let her smell them and she shoves her bags up our faces - "My GOOOOD. They don't smell nothing! Mine are REAL!" (Except they not only look exactly the same, but smell exactly the same. And all this time we are standing with a couple of them in a bag for a cheaper price than hers, and buying another one right then and there for that same prices - she still wants us to pay more for her bags. Thank you mam, but we don't need any more bags. Especially when they are exactly the same but more expensive, as you can see - we say as we pay the other lady. You may sell them for your price, that's all good, but it aint gonna be to us. She looks angry, smells it again and mumbles something as we leave - thanking the happy lady that just got to sell us her bag without having to bargain about her price. Once we got out of the market we were exhausted. Didn't exactly help that we were the only ones there.

Later when we'd had dinner and were relaxing at the hotel, Albin accidentally kicked his football off the cliff and into the water. By this time it was pretty much pitch dark (especially in the water) but it was still so warm and nice. So we had ourselves a little night-swim and caught that runaway-ball!

Oh, and Drew's back - yay!

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