
21 February 2014

Pepper shrimp

Jamaica day 13! (Part 1)
Adventure day! Despite the fact that some places are annoyingly touristy, they are fun to see and so, since none of us are very big on touristy things, we decided to get all of them squeezed into one day.

We were picket up at the castle in the morning and started the day off by stopping at a fruit and veggie market to get some fresh fruit. And cucumber (man, do I love cumbers!). We then started our trip at the Black River for a crocodile tour. Got to see a lot of crocodiles, but it was a bit too touristy for me. Last time I visited me and Julia came with our driver and friend and ended up on a small boat with about five people. The captain of the boat showed us how clear the black water really is, stopped to pick flowers for all the girls on board and stopped for a swim (about 20 meters after wed passed a huge crocodile) - this time we were a ton of people on a big boat and everyone stood up every single time there was a crocodile so that no one else could see anything. I try to stay away from these kinds of things, but it was still nice. Driving across the waters it did feel awesome to look at all the greenery and feel the breeze in your face. 

When our driver asked us what we had thought of the tour he seemed surprised that we thought there had been to many people, and that we prefer less touristy things. Our lunch totally made up for it. We told him that we wanted something authentic, preferably street food. First off we drove through an area where he said people along the road were selling "pepper shrimp" and naturally we asked him to stop so we could get some. Turns out it was actually crayfish (I LOVE crayfish!). We bought a bag from an angry-looking little lady (How do you say nay to that face?) and brought it over to a little place next to the road where we got some grilled fish and seafood soup. (A cup of yummy soup with another whole crayfish in it - joy!). The lady came up with a plate of actual shrimps and claimed hers were much better then what wed gotten on the road (well, they weren't even the same thing) - but Oh My God, these shrimp were amazing. Naturally we had to get some more - well done lady! It was one of the best meals of our entire time in Jamaica.

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