
15 February 2014

Food and philosophy

Jamaica day 10!
Once again packed the stuff we'd brought to Devon's place and moved back to the castle and went for a morning dip and a snorkel. We visited the turtle who lives in a hole in the cliffs around the corner from here, and saw another ray! This time I saw it from far, it looked HUGE and at first I didn't realise what it was. Tried to show it to Albin and Valle but it swam away before they could see it and I thought we wouldn't see it again. A few moments later we were all above the surface, fixing our masks and talking - when we went back under the gigantic ray was just beneath us, moving all majestic-y. We got super lucky!

After relaxing a bit in the sun we went for lunch at Ras Rody. This was mine and Julia's favourite place to go when we were here last, we rode our bikes here all the time. Rody's is a little shack just by the road, there is space for about 8 people if you squeeze in. "Let your food be your medicine." - The place is all organic, vegetarian and of course made with so much love you can taste it. Mmmm. All in the spirit of the Rastafari lifestyle. "People come here for food and philosophy".

After we'd finished lunch we took a walk up to Rick's Cafe, which is one of Negril's top tourist attractions. This is a place to have drinks, jump in the water from the cliff and watch the "proffessional cliff divers" in action. When I last visited me and Julia had become friends with some of the divers and so we hung out here quite a bit. But god, this place is so full of tourists I can't stand it. We stayed for about ten minutes, had a juice, and left. What a huge contrast from our little lunch-shack.

Devon came and picked us up to go get cash to pay for his room, but all the ATM's refused to spit out any dollars. Valle wanted 200 us but the ATM didn't let us choose what currency so when the cash came out they were instead 200 J - about 2 dollars. Apparently this is the way it is sometimes, so we decided to come back and try again tomorrow. When we got back to the hotel there was a lady giving oil massages right up on the cliff, outside our rooms. And so we all got one while listening to the waves. Beautiful.

We tried to plan for a dinner with the Swedish couple we'd met on the glas bottom boat, but couldn't manage to get in touch. Instead we decided to go to a place where "they have the BEST jerked chicken in Negril" - according to one of our earlier cab drivers. We've walked past the place a lot of times and there it is always steaming. And lo and behold if they Swede's aren't already sitting at one of their tables. The world sure is small. Food was good, all though it took a long time to get it. Bbq'd chicken, lobster and shrimp. After dinner me and Albin went back to the hotel, we were both tired and I had to study for my study date with Moa the next morning. Papa and Valle went with the Swede's to have a couple of beers. Outside the hotel there was a street party going on, loud ass music and people dancing everywhere - awesome! When I finished up and went to bed at about one o clock in the morning, they were still going strong.

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