
10 February 2011


First day in Miami
- Thirsday 3 September 2009

Hey loved ones!
After finally getting through the crazy american passcontrol, where they seem to treat everyone as if they are already guilty of something, we got out of the airport and contacted Kathleen who we are going to spend our first three nights with. She is supercute and invited us to dinner (3:30 in the morning our time) before we went home to her little house and the big white dog Kaya. There is also two girls from Amsterdam staying here, which is fun!

We went straight to bed since we had been up and about since 4 o clock in the morning sweden time, and it now was 4 o clock in the morning back home, again. (Ten in the evening here.) But it was only good because this morning we got up early and was out of the house by nine.

The public transportation here is very different from Sweden. This city doesnt seem to be built for people, but for cars. So after riding the bus for 40 minutes in one direction we realized we probablly should have been going the other way. So we got on a train instead (a strange one without a driver), and then another bus and then FINALLY: we made it to South Beach.

Wow. Beach beach beach. Going both ways. With all these pale blue tall buildings in the background and then just water, water, water. Straight out and in all directions. Absolutely amazing. Its very humid, but the sun was shining until about half past 3 when it started to rain. But even then it was warm, so the water was nice and we could keep walking with bare feet in the hot sand.

We ended up walking all the way to the end of South Beach, and a bit further. And then, as it turned out, we had no idea where we were anymore, so we called Kathleen to warn her that we might not make it back for dinner - and Kathleen immediately offered to come pick us up! She is an angel. We have no idea where we would have ended up otherwise, in the rain and with all these 57th and 4th streets and avenues..

Tomorrow we are getting up early again. We have planned to get on the right bus from the start so it doesnt take us half the day to get to the beach. Learn from your misstakes!

LOTS of hugs from two warm girls in a warm Miami!

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