
26 February 2011


Dolphins Cove
- Tuesday 22 September 2009

Yah man!
Yesterday we went swimming with dolphins, how about that? Crazy, heavenly. We are well and have not been robbed and have not been smoking, we promise..... The farm is feeling a bit deserted and quiet after a while, without a car you're kind of stuck. We had some luck with this guy, Ryan, who has been taking us out and around. It was him who, via his friend Chris, smuggled us into the Dolphins Cove where Chris works and got us swimming with dolphins. For free. We pulled some crazy story to the guards and I don't know if they actually believed us. Ryan made us practise our lines before going there. "We went horse back riding the other day and are here to pick up the pictures..."

( Mr Ryan himself. )

And as you can tell from the pictures we have finally been swimming in the Caribbean ocean. It can't even begin to be compared to swimming in Miami. It's like swimming in silk. WONDERFUL. We have also tried out the nightlife of Mo'Bay. Pier 1 on Friday and MargeritaVille on Saturday. And as Annika so wisely commented: YES, AS WE HAVE NOTICED EVERY DAY AND EVERY HOUR: PEOPLE ARE DAMN GOOD LOOKING HERE! Its crazy, how beautiful everyone is. Men and women. A catch around every corner. We stopped counting after our first day around. We have realised that we can simply roll out our tongues, start to drool and enjoy the moment - which we sure are.

Tomorrow we are leaving the ranch, which means proper food and no more Pepsi (which they seem to be living off of here in the valley). It has been real dreamy to be able to spend time here, but it's now time for new adventures! :)

Lucky for Julia the Rastafaris don't eat meat so there is a ton of great veggie food around, which we are looking forward to tasting more of. And believe us, we are sweating enough to share with all of you.


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