
12 February 2011

Chaos in Winter Wonderland.

Snow is pretty, beautful even. Dont get me wrong, i like the snow a lot. Its the cold i cant stand. And the fact that every time it snows in Stockholm everyone goes nuts. Wait what? Snow! Here!? - EVERY time. And then there is complete chaos. Every time.

Yesterday i showed up at my first workplace looking like a snowman, since i had walked there as it was a big traffic jam and the buses were not moving. Once there not just one, but three of my collueges called in due to the fact that they were too far away to even move. And couldnt make it to work.

Here is what happened:
Two days ago almost all of the snow had melted away, and everyone was feeling all springy. Then in the afternoon it started to snow again, and then it snowed some more. Yesterday there was alot of snow, and alot of wind. The temperature dropped back down to a cool minus 8 and there was what we call a snow storm. And so there was once again chaos in Winter Wonderland.

And so, when i was going to my second workplace, which is too far away to walk to, i had to wait one and a half hour for my train. Then finally squish in there with a gazillion other people who had been meaning to spread out over the past five-ish trains. Had to stand mashed in between two old men (who seemed to enjoy the ride) before squishing back out and walk the rest of the way in the cold, since all the buses were cancelled.

Once i got to work i was late, ofcourse. By then i couldnt feel my feet, and barely my fingers. My cheeks were red as roses and it was a mission to button my shirt with those icy fingers. Since i had gotten in so late my already short evening there went down to an even shorter one. After working for about 2 .5 hours (about the same amount of time it had taken me to get there) i closed up the shop and to get back home had to do the whole thing over again.

Man, i love this country!

1 comment:

  1. wow, LOVE the photos, maja. stay warm over there! hopefully it'll be nice and sunny when i make it to your part of the world! xoxo
