
17 February 2011


Final day in Miami (this time)
- Tuesday 15 September 2009

How are you all doing back home? Write and tell us what were "missing"!

Today is our last whole day here in Miami, tomorrow we are continuing to Kingston and Jamaica. It feels a bit scary. And you know that strange feeling you get just before you are about to go back home after a great holiday vacation? - We catch ourselfs feeling just that, before we remind eachother that we arent actually going home, the adventure is not about to come to an end, theres only more! We are going to swim in deeper water and lay on whiter beaches! We really feel that by now we have sucked out the most of Miami for this time, but are ofcourse hoping that it wont be too long before we return to South Beach.

This past saturday Emiliano and Gino, friends of Dali, brought us out to hit the town. Here the partying seem to start at midnight and continues far into the next day. We were out with alot of time to spare and ended up in club Space. Three big dancefloors, one of which is placed out on a terrace. It was mostly techno, which neither one of us is much too into. But we danced away anyway, though staying until the afternoon the next day was never interesting. So at about 6 o clock in the morning we pulled Emiliano with us to the beach to swim and while we were soaking in the warm water we watched the sun rise over Miami Beach. Absolutely amazing.

When Maja had swam some more and Julia had gotten a couple of hours of deep sleep we got up to visit the pool party. It was in a really nice hotel with different variations of sunchairs and beds and drinks. It was sunny, we had fruitpunches and watched all the fake boobs pass by.

After not too long in this place we decided that we prefer the real beach and the real ocean, so we headed out. But just as we had gotten dressed it started to rain, and it didnt stop. So we ended up in the cinema instead. Cozy. It was cold in the movietheater and it was nice to get back out in the warm evening air. Its still hard adapting to this, that its warmer outside and colder inside. Its as if the body is preparing to get cold as soon as youre approaching a door to the outside.

Today has been bright and sunny all day long, and once again we have been snoozing at the beach, sunbathing. By now we are feeling a bit fried (alot actually) and figure its enough sunbathing for today. But the longing for the beach never goes away and well probablly be back there tonight for another dip, or a few.

These passed two weeks have gone by so fast, we have done so much and met so many different people. And eaten quite alot. We have only had "homecooked" one day, bad girls! When we get to Jamaica we are going to try to be a bit more budget minded :) But for tonight Julia is thinking Pizza Hut and Cold Stone, which makes Maja sick. Eating doughnuts for breakfast is common here. At Dunkin Donuts (our neighbour) you can have a doughnut for less than a dollar, about 7 kronor. NICE.

Next time we write well be in Jamaica, or Cuba... Later!
Kisses with Hugs

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