
22 February 2011


- Wednesday 16 September 2009

Oh lord, what a night what a night. Jamaica Jamaica. We landed in Kingston around 12 o clock yesterday, mid day... exhausted we tried to find a place to buy tickets to Cuba... but it turned out to be harder than we had thought. So after talking it through we decided to take the bus to Montego Bay, on the other side of JA. Some guy helped us to the Knutsford Express office and we bought our tickets, happily oblivious to what was coming.

At five o clock the buss took off. The trip was going to be about 3 hours and a half. At 12 o clock midnight we were still on the bus. Stuck in a traffic jam somewhere in the middle of the island of Jamaica for an unknown amount of hours, Maja finally fell asleep. Julia sat one row behind her and had a pretty little song sung in her ear by the guy sitting behind her - Moses - God's gift to us this night of horror.

He was chocked to hear that we didnt have a hotel booked, or didn't know anyone in Montego Bay. Its a dangerous place - according to him worse than Kingston by night. "A lot of robbery, and a lot of murders".

Now this isnt exactly what you want to hear when you are stuck in a bus in the middle of the djungle and in the middle of the night. Scared as she was, Julia woke Maja. Neither one of us wanted the bustrip to end. The unwillingness to sit in an old musty bumpy bus was exchanged by a feeling of "this is the safest places in the world". We wished that the busride would continue until dawn.

But as said, God's gift. As the bus reached a dark Montego Bay, Moses helped us to a safe hotel nearby. And here we are. Newly showered and ready to meet the world - Jamaica - Montego Bay - once again!

For worried parents: We have gotten in touch with Suzan (the mother of Maja's friend) and she will be picking us up at the hotel this afternoon to bring us to her farm on the countryside. Jamaica here we come!

( Our first morning in Jamaica, after a freaky night on the bus. Exhausted. )

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