
24 January 2014

Driving School day 10 (Uppkörning!)

The final day of driving school. Aaaand guess who's got a brand new licence? Right - it's Maja!

My driving exam was at 10.30 but we started the day with a lesson to get warmed up. Afterwards we drove straight to the place where my exam was to be started from. The instructor was really friendly and calm, which I think rubbed off on me. My teacher was in the back as well as another instructor who was learning how to grade driving exams, so it was a full car! It was quite nice though, as I was a bit worried about having my teacher there, but since there were two of them in the back they talked to each other a lot and I could concentrate on me, the driving and my instructor. The only thing he commented on at the end of the 40 minute drive was that at one point I'd been "too nice" and let someone drive before me even though I didn't have to. So there was no trouble at all and the licence is mine. SUCH a relief! When I walked back home afterwards I couldn't stop laughing.

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