
17 January 2014

Driving School day 4 (Halkbanan)

16 Jan
What a long long day. Started by 7 am at the school where we got picked up to go have a try at driving on really icy slippery ground. Then went straight back to school for the first lesson of the day. Did some theory studying before my second lesson which ended just in time for theory class. At 7 pm I could finally head back home. Needless to say I slept like a rock.

The slippery ground test-
was awesome! So much fun. And very interesting. You don't realize how big a difference a few km/h make when the roads are slippery. Also, what huge difference good vs bad tires make. It was exciting to be driving alone in the car without a teacher next to me.

We had three stations to go through during the day. One was the icy turn. Got to try it at 45km/h and weren't allowed to let go of the gas throughout the turn. It went pretty well. Then we increased the speed by a few 5-10km/h and it was pretty much impossible to stay on the right side of the road. Went sliding across it. Then had to do it again at the lower speed, but this time (without us knowing) they had put a dummy doll on the road and we had to react - with different results. 

We then got to the straight roads where we got to experience how far we went after hitting the breaks at full speed. There was one road without snow and one with. We tried them both at 40, 60 and 75km/h. Huge difference. And this is where we could tell the difference between tires. The car with the most worn tires went about 30 meters further than the one with the best. Freaky. Then we got to drive at 85km/h and try to steer past a moose on one side of the road and then another one on the other. 

The last station was the indoors one where we got to look at how different safety equipment inside the car works. The air-bags etc. We tried how the belt feel at a collision at 7km/h (so slow!). The teacher then asked if we'd like to try it without the belt. Umm, no thanks. "Then imagine that people don't wear belts at much higher speeds." We jumped into a car that was then turned around as if we had driven off the road and flipped upside-down. 

It was an eventful day indeed. I enjoyed it, but I might have enjoyed my sleep afterwards even more.

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