
14 January 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street

Oh, how I wanted to like this movie! My expectations were high. I did love DiCaprio in it, he's good as always, no doubt about that. I really wanted to like it and I really tried to. But it was way too long. And just like in American Hustle there really wasn't that much going on. The movie has Great energy, and I loved it from the start. But then it was like it got stuck in that energy, and never really got out. It was pretty much the same over and over again. It was just a dragged out painful thing. It really didn't need the three hours. Were it made shorter it might have been a winner. If that first feeling would have been allowed to stay and not have time to turn into a snooze fest. Some parts were hilarious, and some genius. But meh. All in all, I walked out of the theater feeling disappointed and sleepy. Too bad, really. What did you think?


  1. I actually liked it because it is based on true story. I did not really feel the movie being lengthy.

  2. The only problem I had with the movie is that I wanted to know more about what he was doing and why exactly it was illegal and what's exactly the jobs his "rabbit holes", or whatever they were called, we're doing in better detail. But instead he would go "yea you don't give a shit, look drugs!". Haha it was kind of funny but I would have just liked to know more as to why he was being investigated so deeply. Other than that, the movie was one hell of a roller coaster which I truly enjoyed!
